What we found in the end may not be what we were looking for. I knew from the moment that the trip to New York was planned that we would see things that we had never experienced before. I knew that there would be a little culture shock involved. I even knew that there might be a little danger in the living and traveling arraignments that we had made. What I didn't know was that our adventure, in the end, would make me appreciate my roots even more. I began to appreciate the west and it's wide openness. I began to realize that not everyone was as lucky as I was in having a loving family that cared about where I was and what I was doing. I definitely found gratitude for my education and endless potential ahead of me upon graduation. I began to savor the experiences that I have had in the out of doors that many people I encountered may never have the chance to experience.
All of this did not come at once though, and some of it I am just realizing now as I thumb through the 300+ pictures that we took (mostly Dan took the pictures). You see, at first I was in awe, then astonishment at the sheer density and massiveness of the city itself. Sure we have all seen pictures, and who hasn't caught one of the episodes of Law and Order on TNT played 24/7? But when you make it up to the first train platform and look out over the city you realize that it is not just Hollywood exaggerating the truth. It is for real.
Here is a list of a few things that we did in New York that just added to my experience:
- Rode the transit system, a lot
- Visited all five Boroughs of New York
- Bought and ate a hotdog from a street vendor
- Enjoyed the music of a homeless person trying to work for thier money
- Went to the top of the Empire State Building
- Walked down Broadway
- Explored Central Park
- Rode the Staten Island Ferry past the Statue of Liberty
- Visited numerous cathedrals around the city
- Visited cemeteries older then this country
- Stood where Washington stood when he gave the first inaugral adress
- Saw the Manhattan Temple
- Wandered through the American Museum of Natural History
- Walked by the New York Stock Exchange
- Moseyed through China town and Little Italy
- Heard at least 15 different languages
- Saw games at Yankee and Shea Stadiums before they are torn down
- Saw Ground zero for myself and took in the magnitude of what happened there
- Payed some Asian man $20 for a poor charcoal rendition of myself
- Almost witnessed a mutiny on a city bus
- Had a conversation with a drunk man on the subway, who in the end offered me a beer
- Viewed some of the coolest and worst graffiti ever sprayed on a brick wall
- At at the "Coffee Shop" from Seinfeld
- Ate real New York Pizza
- Got lost, found our way, got lost some more
If you want to know more about this trip you can email your question to casualoutdoorsman@gmail.com or simply comment below.
Wow! What an awesome experience you and Dan were able to have! The size of Yankee stadium was impressive in the pics. I'd say for the ammount of time you guys where there, there's not much else you could have squeezed into your trip. Congrats on getting to check this goal off your list.
Man, I loved it in NYC. I hope you guys had a good time.
I'm impressed you made it to Staten Island. Becky and I never got out there... but then again, we didn't really have the desire to see New York City's junkyard.
Yankee Stadium was incredible. I'm glad you guys were able to see it. Now we'll be able to tell our kids that we saw that great baseball icon with our own eyes.
I wish I could have seen Shea, though.
Good times, J-money.
Well you finally did it! Congrats on taking the pilgrimage out to see the Yankees, and I gotta say that you and Dan look so cute in your matching outfits.
i'm so jealous. what a cool trip! your pics are awesome, and i agree with russ, i love your matching outfits. you should wear those everyday
Welcome back to the real world. Sounds like an amazing trip. The last time I went to NYC I really was just a kid, so I gotta admit, I'm kinda jealous. And I've gotta say, good job hitting up all those different places.
When the heck did you go to NY? The only thing lacking on your itinerary was a 50-Cent concert.
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