This past Saturday I found myself sitting on the couch watching TV at nine in the morning. I realized that this was the first time in a long time that I had an entire day without a single thing planned to do. Lately I have been running crazy trying to get as much fun crammed into this summer as I can. So what would do with my "free" day? I could have easily sat there and watched SportsCenter all day long. I could have found a good book to read. I could have done the dishes. Instead I decided to go on a hike.
I am lucky enough to be close to some very cool hiking locations. There are a few peaks along the Wasatch front that are popular destinations for the day hiker. Starting in the north you have Mount Timponogos, Squaw Peak, Y Mountain, Spanish Fork Peak, and Mount Nebo. I had only been to the top of Spanish Fork Peak, twice actually, so I decided that I would hike to the top of Y Mountain.
I want to start by saying that I recommend this hike to anyone that likes the outdoors. The trailhead is right here in Provo, as you first must hike to the Y. The trail then heads out from the southern point of the Y and heads around the intimidating bluffs that over-look the town. I had figured on two hours to get to the top and an hour and a half back. If you go on this hike in the middle of the day I suggest taking plenty of water. If I were to do the hike again I would want to leave early in the morning. The sun just beats down on the south slopes in the afternoon.
It took us about three hours to get up to the top. We weren't in any kind of hurry though. I bet at a good steady pace it can easily be done in two to two and a half hours. Most of that time you will be hiking uphill, so be prepared for a workout. All of that work however, is paid off in the end with some very awesome views.
All in all, the hike was a success. We were back within six hours of leaving, and that was with plenty of resting and sightseeing. No one got hurt and I didn't waste the day away in my apartment.